James Harrell
Software Developer • Student
I am a 21-year-old, Software Developer and Student. I study Computer Science at Purdue University and am pursuing a minor in Management. I have experience with Java, C, Python, Git, Linux, SQL, Communication, Data Structures, Algorithms and Computer Architecture. I have been programming since 2019, and I love problem solving.
When I first started learning how to program, I was running a Minecraft Server and wanted the ability to customize my server a bit more than I could by default. To do this, I would need to use the Spigot (Minecraft) API, which was in Java, so the obvious option was to learn Java. I spent around 6 months making plugins for myself, but eventually decided to close the Minecraft Server and get into freelancing.
Email: james@harrell365
Linked In: james-b-harrell
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